baseTraCE - Basic services for the training and
further education within the Mll
The baseTraCe project serves as a central hub for the MII's further education and training measures. A sustainable and flexible platform is intended to ensure that the education-related developments and information structures created within the consortia are maintained and made available to the entire MII community.
start of project: 01/07/2023
DSF - Data Sharing Framework Community
The DSF network coordinates the digital exchange of research data from various partners in medicine. To this end, communication processes are to be harmonised across all locations, making data exchange easier. In addition, the networking of all the expertise in the medical informatics initiative should be promoted.
start of project: 01/01/2023
EVA4MII – Evaluation research on the basis of
data from routine clinical care
FDPG plus - Extension of the MII's German Portal for
Medical Research Data
The FDPG plus project serves the further development, continuous improvement and robust provision of the central MII German Portal for
Medical Research Data (FDPG). The gradually growing functionalities of the FDPG are to be defined, prioritised and implemented on the basis of new requirements from the public, patients, new clinical use cases and the MII working groups.
start of project: 01/01/2023
fit4translation - Enhancing expertise and support
in the development of medical software under the
regulatory framework of the MDR and IVDR in the
academic environment
Clinical decision support systems or other systems, that use artificial intelligence to process medical data for better treatment or targeted detection of diseases, can only be used in everyday practice, if they fulfil certain safety requirements. This is regulated, for example, by the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) or the In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR). The fit4translation project aims to raise researchers' awareness of these regulatory aspects. The network develops cross-MII teaching materials, organises workshops and seminars and advises research projects on the implementation of regulatory requirements.
start of project: 01/07/2023
MII_NUM – Cooperation between MII and NUM
The MII-NUM project is entirely dedicated to strengthening and expanding cooperation between the MII and the Network of University Medicine (NUM). Its objectives include the establishment of joint training measures in the areas of IT security and consent management as well as the increased involvement of the NUM clinical community in the work within the MII. In particular, this also includes the joint use and further development of mutually funded infrastructures as well as the establishment of overarching working groups between MII and NUM. Another core task of the project is to establish cooperation and convergence between MII and NUM at the governance level.
start of project: 01/01/2023
SU-TermServ – Service Unit 'Terminological Services'
for MII and NUM
The SU-TermServ project aims to further develop and research a central terminology server and supplementary IT solutions. The aim is to (further) develop, test and establish an important element for extended data exchange and the joint re-utilisation of health-related data across institutional and consortium boundaries. The expanded structures are to be used as a service unit for medical research and to improve patient care and quality management.
start of project: 01/01/2023
TRANSIT – Data Management Unit
The TRANSIT project is dedicated to the sustainable consolidation and integration of centralised and decentralised infrastructure components of the MII for the purpose of data exchange and data provision in the context of secondary data usage projects. For this purpose, the network is developing a Data Management Unit (DMU), which bundles activities and functionalities for the provision and archiving of data sets and results from federated data analyses as a central system with a standardised user interface. The DMU provides essential services for scientists in their role as data consumers.
start of project: 01/01/2023