The medical informatics initiative’s website is operated by:
TMF – Technology, Methods and Infrastructure
for Networked Medical Research e.V.
Charlottenstr. 42, 10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 2200247-0
Email | Website: | Twitter: @tmf_eV
Responsible for content management:
TMF e.V. Central Office
Sebastian C. Semler
Tel.: +49 30 2200247-30
TMF is represented by two members of its Board of Directors.
Registered at Charlottenburg District Court, VR 23828 B.
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Technical development and consulting:
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Please see the dedicated data protection page.
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The content management team emphasises that they have no influence over the design and content of websites from other providers that can be accessed via links on the medical informatics initiative website. The content management team and TMF e.V. do not accept any responsibility or liability for such content; it remains external in nature. This applies to all pages on this website and all links given on them.
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