2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 |
- Albashiti, F., Thasler, R., Wendt, T. et al. Die Datenintegrationszentren – Von der Konzeption in der Medizininformatik-Initiative zur lokalen Umsetzung in einem Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03879-5
To the publication - Ammon, D., Kurscheidt, M., Buckow, K. et al. Arbeitsgruppe Interoperabilität: Kerndatensatz und Informationssysteme für Integration und Austausch von Daten in der Medizininformatik-Initiative. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03888-4
To the publication - Ammon D. Gesundheitsdaten in Forschung und Wissenschaft. In: Health Data Management. Schlüsselfaktor für erfolgreiche Krankenhäuser (2024). doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-43236-2_16
To the publication - Bathelt F, Marx G, Sedlmayr M. 2022. 91:49-52. Digitale FortschrittsHubs Gesundheit. Der Weg der Medizininformatik-Initiative von Universitätskliniken zu nicht-universitären Leistungserbringern. KU 4-2022.
- Bayas, A., Mansmann, U., Ön, B. I., Hoffmann, V. S., Berthele, A., Mühlau, M., Kowarik, M. C., Krumbholz, M., Senel, M., Steuerwald, V., Naumann, M., Hartberger, J., Kerschensteiner, M., Oswald, E., Ruschil, C., Ziemann, U., Tumani, H., Vardakas, I., Albashiti, F., Kramer, F., … ProVal-MS study group (2024). Prospective study validating a multidimensional treatment decision score predicting the 24-month outcome in untreated patients with clinically isolated syndrome and early relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, the ProVal-MS study. Neurological research and practice, 6(1), 15.. doi: 10.1186/s42466-024-00310-x.
To the publication - Beliën, J., Beusink, M., Boeker, M., Boiten, J.-W., Bolding, N., Buckow, K., Crameri, K., Drepper, J., Kleinert, P., Ganslandt, T., Geiger, T. R., Prokosch, H.-U., Sax, U., Scherag, A., Schug, S. H., Semler, S. C., Steiner, M., Wissing, F., & Zenker, S. (2024). Transnational health care research – carefully connecting the dots towards a European Health Data Space. Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.12607200
To the publication - Blasini, Romina et al. “Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria Relevance for the Purpose of IT-Supported Trial Recruitment: Descriptive Quantitative Analysis.” JMIR formative research vol. 8 e49347. 31 Jan. 2024. doi:10.2196/49347
To the publication - Boehm D, Strantz C, Christoph J, Busch H, Ganslandt T, Unberath P. Data Visualization Support for Tumor Boards and Clinical Oncology: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Res Protoc (2024); 13; e53627. doi: 10.2196/53627
To the publication - Boeker, M., Zöller, D., Blasini, R. et al. Effectiveness of IT-supported patient recruitment: study protocol for an interrupted time series study at ten German university hospitals. Trials 25, 125 (2024). doi: 10.1186/s13063-024-07918-z
To the publication - Borchert F, Llorca I, Schapranow MP. 2024. vol. 2024. Improving biomedical entity linking for complex entity mentions with LLM-based text simplification. Database. DOI: 10.1093/database/baae067
To the publication - Cheng KY, Pazmino S, Bergh B, Lange-Hegermann M, Schreiweis B. An Image Retrieval Pipeline in a Medical Data Integration Center. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Jan 25;310:1388-1389. doi: 10.3233/SHTI231208. PMID: 38269660.
- Cheng KY, Pazmino S, Qian H, Bergh B, Schreiweis B. Structured Data Retrieval and Analysis of HL7 v2 Messages with Elasticsearch. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Jan 25;310:1464-1465. doi: 10.3233/SHTI231246. PMID: 38269698.
- Gulden, Christian & Macho, Philipp & Reinecke, Ines & Strantz, Cosima & Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich & Blasini, Romina. (2024). recruIT: A cloud-native clinical trial recruitment support system based on Health Level 7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7 FHIR) and the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model (OMOP CDM). Computers in Biology and Medicine. 174. doi: 108411. 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108411.
To the publication - Hahn, Udo et al. “Final Report on the German Clinical Reference Corpus 3000PA.” Studies in health technology and informatics vol. 310 (2024): 599-603. doi:10.3233/SHTI231035
To the publication - Kirsten, T., Kleinert, P., Gebhardt, M. et al. Grundlagen für die wissenschaftliche Nutzung umfangreicher Versorgungsdaten in Deutschland – Ergebnisse der AG Data Sharing der Medizininformatik-Initiative. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03880-y
To the publication - Knaup-Gregori, P., Boeker, M., Kirsten, T. et al. Kompetenzentwicklung in der Medizininformatik-Initiative (MII) – Lehrangebote für einen souveränen und sicheren Umgang mit medizinischen Daten. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi:10.1007/s00103-024-03881-x
To the publication - Krefting, D., Bavendiek, U., Fischer, J. et al. Die digitalen Fortschrittshubs Gesundheit – Gemeinsame Datennutzung über die Universitätsmedizin hinaus. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi:10.1007/s00103-024-03883-9
To the publication - Loeffler, M., Maas, R., Neumann, D. et al. INTERPOLAR – prospektive, interventionelle Studien im Rahmen der Medizininformatik-Initiative zur Verbesserung der Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit in der Krankenversorgung. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03890-w
To the publication - Marschollek, M., Marquet, M., Reinoso Schiller, N. et al. Automatisierte Surveillance und Risikovorhersage mit dem Ziel einer risikostratifizierten Infektionskontrolle und -prävention (RISK Prediction for Risk-stratified Infection Control and Prevention). Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi:10.1007/s00103-024-03882-w
To the publication - Metzger, P., Boerries, M. Das Verbundprojekt „Personalisierte Medizin für die Onkologie“ (PM4Onco) als Teil der Medizininformatik-Initiative (MII). Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi:10.1007/s00103-024-03886-6
To the publication - Metzger P, Gräßel L, Illert L, Boerries M Sondersituation der Daten in der Onkologie. Die Onkologie | Ausgabe 5/2024. doi: 10.1007/s00761-023-01468-w
To the publication - Modersohn, Luise, and Udo Hahn. “Influence of Context in Transformer-Based Medication Relation Extraction.” Studies in health technology and informatics vol. 310 (2024): 669-673. doi:10.3233/SHTI231049
To the publication - Molinnus D, Kurth A, Lowitsch V, Marx G, Bickenbach J. 2023 302366-367. Towards an Advanced Digital Infrastructure Within the Non-University Sector Demonstrated by the PICOS App. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230143
To the publication - Sadeghi S, Hempel L, Rodemund N, Kirsten T. 202414(1)11438. Salzburg Intensive Care database (SICdb): a detailed exploration and comparative analysis with MIMIC-IV. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-61380-0
To the publication - Schreiweis B, Ulrich H, Lehmann H, Kock-Schoppenhauer A, Kinast B, Bergh B, Die Wissensmanagementplattform für Versorgung und Forschung am Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein – Ein Praxisbeispiel, Health Data Management: Schlüsselfaktor für erfolgreiche Krankenhäuser, V. Henke, G. Hülsken, H. Schneider, and J. Varghese, Eds., Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2024, pp. 689-701. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-43236-2_58
To the publication - Schreiweis B, Ammon D, Sedlmayr M, Albashiti F, Wendt T, Datenintegrationszentren (DIZ) für eine bessere Vernetzung von Krankenversorgung und Forschung, Health Data Management: Schlüsselfaktor für erfolgreiche Krankenhäuser, V. Henke, G. Hülsken, H. Schneider, and J. Varghese, Eds., Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2024, pp. 497-506. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-43236-2_42
To the publication - Sedlmayr, M., Semler, S.C. Die Medizininformatik-Initiative als Wegbereiter für die datengetriebene Gesundheitsforschung in Deutschland. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03885-7
To the publication - Semler, S.C., Boeker, M., Eils, R. et al. Die Medizininformatik-Initiative im Überblick – Aufbau einer Gesundheitsforschungsdateninfrastruktur in Deutschland. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03887-5
To the publication - Ulrich H, Anywar M, Kinast B, Schreiweis B. Large-Scale Standardized Image Integration for Secondary Use Research Projects. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Jan 25;310:174-178. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230950. PMID: 38269788.
- Waltemath, D., Beyan, O., Crameri, K. et al. FAIRe Gesundheitsdaten im nationalen und internationalen Datenraum. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024). doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03884-8
To the publication - Welten, S., de Arruda Botelho Herr, M., Hempel, L., Hieber, D., Placzek, P., Graf, M., Weber, S., Neumann, L., Jugl, M., Tirpitz, L., Kindermann, K., Geisler, S., Bonino da Silva Santos, L. O., Decker, S., Pfeifer, N., Kohlbacher, O., & Kirsten, T. (2024). A study on interoperability between two Personal Health Train infrastructures in leukodystrophy data analysis. Scientific data, 11(1), 663. 10.1038/s41597-024-03450-6
To the publication - Zenker S, Strech D, Jahns R, Müller G, Prasser F, Schickhardt C, Schmidt G, Semler SC, Winkler E, Drepper J. National standardisierter Broad Consent in der Praxis: erste Erfahrungen, aktuelle Entwicklungen und kritische Betrachtungen [Nationally standardized broad consent in practice: initial experiences, current developments, and critical assessment]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2024 Apr 19. German. doi: 10.1007/s00103-024-03878-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38639817.
- Zöller, D., Haverkamp, C., Makoudjou, A. et al. Alpha-1-antitrypsin-deficiency is associated with lower cardiovascular risk: an approach based on federated learning. Respir Res 25, 38 (2024). doi: 10.1186/s12931-023-02607-y
To the publication
- Barakat C, Aach M, Schuppert A, Brynjólfsson S, Fritsch S, Riedel M., Analysis of Chest X-ray for COVID-19 Diagnosis as a Use Case for an HPC-Enabled Data Analysis and Machine Learning Platform for Medical Diagnosis Support., diagnostics. 2023; 13(3):391. DOI: 10.3390/diagnostics13030391.
To the publication - Barakat CS, Sharafutdinov K, Busch J, Saffaran S, Bates DG, Hardman JG, Schuppert A, Brynjólfsson S, Fritsch S, Riedel M. Developing an Artificial Intelligence-Based Representation of a Virtual Patient Model for Real-Time Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Jun 17;13(12):2098. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13122098. PMID: 37370993.
To the publication - Beger C, Boehmer AM, Mussawy B, Redeker L, Matthias F, Schäfermeier R, Härdtlein A, Dreischulte T, Neumann D, Uciteli A. 2023 307. Modelling Adverse Events with the TOP Phenotyping Framework. German Medical Data Sciences 2023. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230695
To the publication - Beger C, Matthies F, Schäfermeister R, Uciteli A. 2023. Model-driven execution of phenotype algorithms – introduction of the Terminology- and Ontology-based Phenotyping Framework. GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie. DOI: 10.3205/mibe000256
To the publication - Bickenbach J, Schuppert A, Scherag A, Kao J, Bleilevens A, Lowitsch V, Marx G. 2023. ASIC Daten und App Usage. SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith13
To the publication - Bott OJ, Berger U, Egbert N, Herrmann C, Schneider B, Sellemann B, Spreckelsen C, Strahwald B, Varghese J, Winter A. 2023 302438-42. On the Effecitve Dissemination and Use of Learning Objectives Catalogs for Health Information Curricula Development. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. DOI: 10.3233/shti230168
To the publication - Borchert F, Llorca I, Schapranow MP. 2023. vol. 14163. Cross-Lingual Candidate Retrieval and Reranking for Biomedical Entity Linking. Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction. CLEF 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-42448-9_12
To the publication - Borchert F, Llorca I, Schapranow MP. 2023. HPI-DHC @ BC8 SympTEMIST Track: Detection and Normalization of Symptom Mentions with SpanMarker and xMEN. Proceedings of the BioCreative VIII Challenge and Workshop: Curation and Evaluation in the Era of Generative Models.
- Draeger C, Löbe M, Meineke FA. 2023 . Data Quality Assessment in the seventh MII-Projectathon. GMDS 2023.
To the publication - Draeger C, Stäubert S, Kuntz A, Henke C, Winter A, Sax U, Löbe M. 2023 309. Modeling the Application of IHE QRPH Profiles in Data Integratoin Centers: A Practical Approach with 3LGM2. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230755
To the publication - Erdfelder F, Begerau H, Meyers D, Quast KJ, Schumacher D, Brieden T, Ihle R, Ammon D, Kruse HM, Zenker S, Enhancing Data Protection via Auditable Informational Separation of Powers Between Workflow Engine Based Agents: Conceptualization, Implementation, and First Cross-Institutional Experiences., Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2023; 302:317-321. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230126.
To the publication - Faessler E, Hahn U, Schäuble S. 2023. 51. GePI: large-scale text mining, customized retrieval and flexible filtering of gene/protein interactions. Nucleic Acids Research.
To the publication - Festag S, Spreckelsen C, Medical multivariate time series imputation and forecasting based on a recurrent conditional Wasserstein GAN and attention. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2023; 139:104320. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2023.104320.
To the publication - Fonck S, Fritsch S, Nottenkämper G, Stollenwerk A. 2023. 2 (1):742. Implementation of ResNet-50 for the Detection of ARDS in Ches X-Rays using transfer-learning. Proceedings on automation in medical engineering. DOI: 10.18416/automed.2023
- Fonck S, Fritsch S, Stollenwerk A. 2023 . Software-Architektur für eine KI-Unterstützung bei der ARDS Behandlung. SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith17
To the publication - Fox S, Preiß M, Borchert F, Rasheed A, Schapranow MP. 2023. pp. 185-192. HPIDHC at NTCIR-17 MedNLP-SC: Data Augmentation and Ensemble Learning for Multilingual Adverse Drug Event Detection. NTCIR 17 Conference: Proceedings of the 17th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies. DOI: 10.20736/0002001295
To the publication - Heming, Michael et al. “Supporting the differential diagnosis of connective tissue diseases with neurological involvement by blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow cytometry.” Journal of neuroinflammation vol. 20,1 46. 23 Feb. 2023, doi:10.1186/s12974-023-02733-w
To the publication - Henke E, Zoch M, Reinecke I, Spoden M, Ruhnke T, Günster C, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F (2023): "German Claims Data for Real-World Research: Content Coverage Evaluation in OMOP CDM". Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 May 18;302:3-7. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230053. PMID: 37203598.
To the publication - Henke V, Hülsken G, Schneider H, Varghese J. 2023. Health Data Management im Krankenhaus - Compliance-konformer Umgang mit Gesundheitsdaten als erfolgreicher Schlüsselfaktor. Springer Gabler.
- Intemann T, Kaulke K, Kipker D-K, Lettieri V, Stallmann C, Schmidt CO, Geidel L, Bialke M, Hampf C, Stahl D, Lablans M, Franke M, Kraywinkel KP, Kieschke J, Bartholomäus S, Näher A-F, Tremper G, Lambarki M, March S, Prasser F, Haber AC, Drepper J, Schlünder I, Kirsten T, Pigeot I, Sax U, Buchner B, Ahrens W, Semler SC: White Paper - Verbesserung des Record Linkage für die Gesundheitsforschung in Deutschland (DOI: 10.4126/FRL01-006461895)
To the publication - Kolditz T, Lohr C, Moderohn L, Hahn U., Annotationsleitlinien für deutschsprachige Medizintexte. Teil 2: Annotation von personenidentifizierenden (PHI-)Attributen. Zenodo. 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7707882.
- Kreuzthaler M, Brochhausen M, Zayas C, Blobel B, Schulz S. 2023 101073313. Linguistic and ontological challenges of multiple domains contributing to transformed health ecosystems. Frontiers in Medicine. DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1073313
To the publication - Kämmer N, Borchert F, Winkler S, de Melo G, Schapranow MP. 2023. pp. 292-305. Resolving Elliptical Compounds in German Medical Text. The 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP Shared Tasks. DOI: 10.18653/v1/2023.bionlp-1.26
To the publication - Llorca I, Borchert F, Schapranow MP. 2023. pp. 171-181. A Meta-dataset of German Medical Corpora: Harmonization of Annotations and Cross-corpus NER Evaluation. Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop. DOI: 10.18653/v1/2023.clinicalnlp-1.23
To the publication - Lohr C, Hahn U. 2023. pp. 218-228. DoPA Meter - A Tool Suite for Metrical Document Profiling and Aggregation. EMNLP Demo 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations.
- Lohr C, Kolditz T, Modersohn L, Hellrich J, Hahn U., Annotationsleitlinien für deutschsprachige Medizintexte. Teil 3: Annotation von Basis-Entitäten: Diagnosen, Befunde und Symptome. Zenodo. 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7707916.
- Lohr C, Luther S, Ammon D, Saleh K, Modersohn L, Hahn U., Annotationsleitlinien für deutschsprachige Medizintexte. Teil 1: Annotation von inhaltlich kohärenten Textabschnitten (Sektionen). Zenodo. 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7707756.
- Lowitsch V, Remmler A, Richter F, Sezer M. 2023. ASIC-App (Algorithmic Surveillance of ICU Patients). SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith14
- Mang JM, Prokosch HU, Kapsner L. "Reproducibility in 2023 – An End-to-End Template for Analysis and Manuscript Writing" Stud Health Technol Inform 2023; 18;302:58-62. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230064.
To the publication - Marx G, Schuppert A, Scherag A, Kao J, Bleilevens A, Lowitsch V, Bickenbach J. 2023. Use Case ASIC - Daten und detaillierte Analyse. SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith02
- Matthies F, Beger C, Schäfermeier R, Uciteli A. 2023 307. Concept Graphs: A Novel Approach for Textual Analysis of Medical Documents. German Medical Data Sciences 2023. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230710
To the publication - Matthies F, Lohr C, Modersohn L, Hahn U., Annotationsleitlinien für deutschsprachige Medizintexte. Teil 4: Annotation von Medikationsangaben. Zenodo. 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7707946.
- Matthies F, Neumann D. 2023. Struktursuche in pharmazeutischen Fachinformationen zur maschinenlesbaren Abbildung von AMTS-relevanten Informationen. SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith26
To the publication - Meineke FA, Modersohn L, Löffler M, Böker M. 2023 302835-836. Announcement of the German Medical Text Corpus Project. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230283
To the publication - Metzger P, Hess ME, Blaumeiser A, Pauli T, Schipperges V, Mertes R, Christoph J, Unberath P, Reimer N, Scheible R, Illert AL, Busch H, Andrieux G, Boerries M. "MIRACUM-Pipe: An Adaptable Pipeline for Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis, Reporting, and Visualization for Clinical Decision Making." Cancers 2023; 15:3456. DOI: 10.3390/cancers15133456.
To the publication - Molinnus D, Kurth A, Lowitsch V, Marx G, Bickenbach J. 2023 302366-367. Towards an Advanced Digital Infrastructure Within the Non-University Sector Demonstrated by the PICOS App. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI230143
Zur Publikation - Nelde A, Schuster H, Heitmann JS, Bauer J, Maringer Y, Zwick M, Volkmer J-P, Chen JY, Paczulla Stanger AM, Lehmann A, Appiah B, Märklin M, Rücker-Braun E, Salih HR, Roerden M, Schroeder SM, Häring M-F, Schlosser A, Schetelig J, Schmitz M, Boerries M, Köhler N, Lengerke C, Majeti R, Weissman IL, Rammensee H-G and Walz JS
Immune Surveillance of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Is Mediated by HLA-Presented Antigens on Leukemia Progenitor Cells. Blood Cancer Discov (2023) 4 (6) 468–489. doi: 10.1158/2643-3230.BCD-23-0020
To the publication - Neumann D, Böhmer A. 2023. Patient Journey Modeling zur menschen- und maschinenlesbaren Operationalisierung unerwünschter arzneimittelbezogener Ereignisse am Beispiel des unerwünschten Ereignisses gastrointestinale Blutung. SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith25
To the publication - Neumann D, Thalheim T, Kesselmeier M, Andrikyan W, Farker K, Weisbah L, Schuster AK, Karsten Dafonte K, Böhmer A, Then MI, Maas R, Fromm MF, Scherag A, Löffler M. 2023. POLAR Plausibilisierungskampagne – technischer Test. SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith31
To the publication - Palm J, Meineke F, Przybilla J, Peschel T. 2023 1454-64. fhircrackr: An R package unlocking Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) for statistical analysis. Applied Clinical Informatics. DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1760436
To the publication - Peng Y, Henke E, Reinecke I, Zoch M, Sedlmayr M, Bathelt F. "An ETL-process design for data harmonization to participate in international research with German real-world data based on FHIR and OMOP CDM." Int J Med Inform 2023; 169:104925. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104925.
To the publication - Prokosch H.U., Gebhardt M., Gruendner J., Kleinert P., Buckow K., Rosenau R., Semler S.C (2023). Towards a National Portal for Medical Research Data (FDPG): Vision, Status, and Lessons Learned. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023; 18;302:307-311. doi: 10.3233/SHTI230124. PMID: 37203668.
- Prokosch H.U., Gruendner J., Gebhardt M., Buckow K., Kleinert P., Semler S.C. (2023). Das Forschungsdatenportal für Gesundheit: Zugang zu Real World Routinedaten der deutschen Universitätskliniken. gesundhyte.de Dec 2023. 15: 15-19.
To the publication - Polzin R, Sharafutdinov K, Mayer H, Barakat C, Marx G, Bickenbach J, Schuppert A. 2023. DEA Diagnostic Expert Advisor. SMITH Science Day 2022. DOI: 10.3205/22smith16
- Puladi B, Ooms M, Rieg A, Taubert M, Rashad A, Hölzle F, Röhrig R, Modabber A. Development of machine learning and multivariable models for predicting blood transfusion in head and neck microvascular reconstruction for risk-stratified patient blood management. Head Neck. 2023 Apr 18. DOI: 10.1002/hed.27353. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37070282.
To the publication - Renner C, Reimer N, Christoph J, Busch H, Metzger P, Boerries M, Ustjanzew A, Boehm D, Unberath P.
Extending cBioPortal for Therapy Recommendation Documentation in Molecular Tumor Boards: Development and Usability Study. DOI: 10.2196/50017. PMID: 38079196; PMCID: PMC10750236.
To the publication - Riedel M, Barakat C, Fritsch S, Aach M, Busch J, Lintermann A, Schuppert A, Brynjólfsson S, Neukirchen H, Book M. 2023. Enabling Hyperparameter-Tuning of AI Models for Healthcare using the CoE RAISE Unique AI Framework for HPC. 46th MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention. DOI: 10.23919/MIPRO57284.2023.10159755
- Rohde F, Franke M, Christen V, Rahm E., Value-specific Weighting for Record-level Encodings in Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage., In: König-Ries B, Scherzinger S, Lehner W & Vossen G (Hrsg.), BTW 2023, Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.; 439. DOI: 10.18420/BTW2023-21.
- Scheible R, Thomczyk F, Blum M, Rautenberg M, Prunotto A, Yazijy S, Boeker M. "Integrating row level security in i2b2: segregation of medical records into data marts without data replication and synchronization." JAMIA Open 2023; 6:ooad068. DOI: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooad068.
To the publication - Sehring J, Dohmen H, Selignow C, Schmid K, Grau S, Stein M, Uhl E, Mukhopadhyay A, Németh A, Amsel D, Acker T.Leveraging Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Meningioma Classification in Computational Histopathology. Cancers 2023; 15:5190. DOI: 10.3390/cancers15215190.
To the publication - Schmid K, Sehring J, Németh A, Harter PN, Weber KJ, Vengadeswaran A, Storf H, Seidemann C, Karki K, Fischer P, Dohmen H, Selignow C, von Deimling A, Grau S, Schröder U, Plate KH, Stein M, Uhl E, Acker T, Amsel D.
DistSNE: Distributed computing and online visualization of DNA methylation-based central nervous system tumor classification. Brain Patho 2023; e13228. DOI: 10.1111/bpa.13228. Epub ahead of print.
To the publication - Schumann A, Gaser C, Sabeghi R, Schulze PC, Festag S, Spreckelsen C, Bär KJ. Using machine learning to estimate the calendar age based on autonomic cardiovascular function. Front Aging Neurosci. 2023 Jan 23;14:899249. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.899249.
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To the publication - Schaaf J, Sedlmayr M, Prokosch HU, Tegtbauer N, Kadioglu D, Schaefer J, Boeker M, Storf H: "Visualization of Similar Patients in a Clinical Decision Support System for Rare Diseases – A Focus Group Study." Stud Health Technol Inform 2021; 278: p. 49-57. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI210050.
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To the publication - Zierk J, Arzideh F, Kapsner LA, Prokosch HU, Metzler M, Rauh M. "Reference Interval Estimation from Mixed Distributions using Truncation Points and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance (kosmic)." Sci Rep. 2020, 10, 1704. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58749-2.
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To the publication - Gruendner J, Schwachhofer T, Sippl P, Wolf N, Erpenbeck M, Gulden C, Kapsner LA, Zierk J, Mate S, Stürzl M, Croner R, Prokosch HU, Toddenroth D. KETOS: Clinical decision support and machine learning as a service – A training and deployment platform based on Docker, OMOP-CDM, and FHIR Web Services. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223010.
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To the publication - Gulden C, Landerer I, Nassirian A, Altun FB, Andrae J (2019). "Extraction and Prevalence of Structured Data Elements in Free-Text Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria." Stud Health Technol Inform. 258: 226-230. PubMed PMID: 30942751.
To the publication - Gulden C, Mate S, Prokosch HU, Kraus S; Investigating the Capabilities of FHIR Search for Clinical Trial Phenotyping; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 253: German Medical Data Sciences: A Learning Healthcare System, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-896-9-3
To the publication - Hampf C, Bahls T, Hund H, Drepper J, Lablans M, Speer R (2019): "Record Linkage: Optionen für standortübergreifende Datenzusammenführungen." mdi – Forum der Medizin, Dokumentation und Medizin-Informatik, 21 (4/2019): 117-121.
- Hasselblatt H, Andrae J, Tassoni A, Fitzer K, Bahls T, Prokosch HU, Boeker M (2019): "Establishing an Interoperable Clinical Trial Information System Within MIRACUM." Stud Health Technol Inform. 258: 216-220.
To the publication - Hemmer B, Börries M, Christoph J, Marx G, Maaßen O, Schuppert A, Scheithauer S (2019): "Die klinischen Anwendungsbeispiele (Use Cases) der vier MII-Konsortien." mdi – Forum der Medizin, Dokumentation und Medizin-Informatik, 21 (4/2019): 98-102.
- Kampf MO, Kraska D, Prokosch HU (2019): "An Analysis of Erlangen University Hospital’s Billing Data on Utility-Based De-Identification." Stud Health Technol Inform. 258: 70-74.
To the publication - Kapsner LA, Kampf MO, Seuchter SA, Kamdje-Wabo G, Gradinger T, Ganslandt T, Mate S, Guendner J, Kraska D, Prokosch HU. Moving Towards an EHR Data Quality Framework: The MIRACUM Approach. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;267: p.247-253.
To the publication - Kindermann A, Stepanova E, Hund H, Geis N, Malone B and Dieterich C (2019): "MedEx - Data Analytics for Medical Domain Experts in Real-Time." Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.267: p. 142-149, 2019.
To the publication - Lenz S, Hess M, Binder H. "Unsupervised deep learning on biomedical data with BoltzmannMachines.jl
Preprint Server bioRxiv."
To the publication - Mate S, Bürkle T, Kapsner LA, Toddenroth D, Kampf M, Sedlmayr M, Castellanos I, Prokosch HU, Kraus S.A Method for the Graphical Modeling of Relative Temporal Constraints. J Biomed Inform. 2019, 100. doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103314.
To the publication - Öfelein M, Reichold M, Maier C, Prokosch HU. Designing a Framework of Components to Support Patient Engagement in Research. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;267:20-27.
To the publication - Richter-Pechanski P, Amr A, Katus HA, Dieterich C (2019): " Deep Learning Approaches Outperform Conventional Strategies in De-Identification of German Medical Reports." Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 267: p. 101-109, 2019
To the publication - Sargeant A, von Landesberger T, Baier C, Bange F, Dalpke A, Eckmanns T et al. (2019): "Early Detection of Infection Chains & Outbreaks: Use Case Infection Control."
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To the publication - Schmücker P, Schemmann U, Winter A, Bott OJ, Knaup-Gregori P, Lautenbacher H, Phan-Vogtmann LA, Scherag A, Sohrabi K, Spreckelsen C (2019): "Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung in der Medizininformatik-Initiative." mdi – Forum der Medizin, Dokumentation und Medizin-Informatik, 21 (4/2019): 102-105.
- Schneiderheinze H, Prokosch HU, Apel H, Bellut L, Wullich B, Trollmann R, Schüttler C. Development and usability analysis of a multimedia eConsent solution. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019; 267: 297-303.
To the publication - Schreiweis B, Ammon D, Sedlmayr M, Albashiti F, Wendt T (2019): "Das Datenintegrationszentrum – Ausgangspunkt für die datengetriebene medizinische Forschung und Versorgung." mdi – Forum der Medizin, Dokumentation und Medizin-Informatik, 21 (4/2019): 106-110.
- Semler SC (2019): "Die Medizininformatik-Initiative als Impulsgeber für Standardisierung und Datennutzung im deutschen Gesundheitswesen." mdi – Forum der Medizin, Dokumentation und Medizin-Informatik, 21 (4/2019): 96-98.
- Sommer M, Kirchner M, Gulden C, Egloffstein S, Lux MP, Beckmann MW, Mackensen A, Prokosch HU (2019). "Design and Implementation of a Single Source Multipurpose Hospital-Wide Clinical Trial Registry." Stud Health Technol Inform. 258: 164-168.
To the publication - Unberath P, Knell C, Prokosch HU, Christoph J (2019). "Developing New Analysis Functions for a Translational Research Platform: Extending the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics." Stud Health Technol Inform. 258: 46-50.
To the publication - Vengadeswaran A, Neuhaus P, Hegselmann S, Storf H, Kadioglu D. Semantically annotated Metadata: Interconnecting Samply.MDR and MDM-Portal. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019;267:86-92.
To the publication - Vey J, Kapsner LA, Fuchs M, Unberath P, Veronesi G, Kunz M. A Toolbox for Functional Analysis and the Systematic Identification of Diagnostic and Prognostic Gene Expression Signatures Combining Meta-Analysis and Machine Learning. Cancers 2019, 11, 1606; doi:10.3390/cancers11101606.
To the publication - von Landesberger T, Wunderlich M, Baumgartl T, Höhn M, Marschollek M, Seithauer S (2019): "Visual-Interactive Exploration of Pathogen Outbreaks in Hospitals." EuroVis (Posters): p. 9-11, 2019
To the publication - Walther D, Paret C, Ritzel C, Büchner P, Unberath P, Maier W, Metzger P, Christoph J, Storf H, Boerries M, Wagner S. "Definition of an annotation pipeline for a molecular tumor board focused on the processing of the result and oncological drugs in terms of usability and approval status." Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie. 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e.V. (GMDS). Dortmund, 08.-11.09.2019. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2019. DocAbstr. 283. doi: 10.3205/19gmds179
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To the publication - Wunderlich M, Block I, von Landesberger T, Petzold M, Marschollek M, Scheithauer S (2019): "Visual Analysis of Probabilistic Infection Contagion in Hospitals." Vision, Modeling, and Visualization.
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To the publication - Yüksekogul N, Meyer N, Aguduri L S, Merzweiler A and Heinze O (2019): "Implementing ETL-processes for a Medical Data Integration Center - First experiences from the Heidelberg University Hospital." Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 2019.
To the publication - Zabka S, Ammon D, Ganslandt T, Gewehr J, Haverkamp C , Kiefer S, Lautenbacher H, Löbe M, Thun S, Boeker M. "Towards a Medication Core Data Set for the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII): Initial Mapping Experience between the German Procedure Classification (OPS) and the Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP)." Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2019, Episode V: The Styrian Autumn of Ontology, Graz, Austria, September 23-25, 2019. Edited by Adrien Barton, Selja Seppälä, Daniele Porello, Vol-2518.
To the publication - Zacher B, Czogiel (2019): "Supervised learning improves disease outbreak detection." Robert Koch Institute, Department of Infectious Diseases, 2019.
To the publication
- Bietenbeck A, Boeker M, Schulz S. "NPU, LOINC, and SNOMED CT: a comparison of terminologies for laboratory results reveals individual advantages and a lack of possibilities to encode interpretive comments" Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2018; 42: 267-275. DOI: 10.1515/labmed-2018-0103.
To the publication - Ganslandt T, Boeker M, Löbe M, Prasser F, Schepers J, Semler SC, Thun S, Sax U (2018). "Der Kerndatensatz der Medizininformatik-Initiative: Ein Schritt zur Sekundärnutzung von Versorgungsdaten auf nationaler Ebene." Forum der Medizin-Dokumentation und Medizin-Informatik (mdi), Heft 1, März 2018, Jahrgang 20.
To the publication - Gehring S, Eulenfeld R (2018): "German Medical Informatics Initiative: Unlocking Data for Research and Health Care." Methods of Information in Medicine. 57(S 01): e46–e49, 2018
To the publication - Gulden C, Mate S, Prokosch HU, Kraus S. "Investigating the Capabilities of FHIR Search for Clinical Trial Phenotyping" Stud Health Technol Inform 2018; 253:3-7. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-896-9-3.
To the publication - Haarbrandt B et al. (2018): "HiGHmed – An Open Platform Approach to Enhance Care and Research across Institutional Boundaries." Methods of Information in Medicine. 57, e66–e81, 2018.
To the publication - Haarbrandt B, Schreiweis B, Rey S, Sax U, Scheithauer S, Rienhoff O, Knaup-Gregori P, Bavendiek U, Dieterich C, Brors B, Kraus I, Thoms CM, Jäger D, Ellenrieder V, Bergh B, Yahyapour R, Eils R, Consortium HiGHmed, Marschollek M (2018): "HiGHmed – An Open Platform Approach to Enhance Care and Research across Institutional Boundaries." Methods of Information in Medicine, 57(S 01), Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
To the publication - Haux R (2018): "Health Information Systems – from Present to Future? The German Medical Informatics Initiative." Methods of Information in Medicine, 57(S 01), Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
To the publication - Hinderer M, Boerries M, Boeker M, Neumaier M, Loubal FP, Acker T, Brunner M, Prokosch HU, Christoph J.; Implementing Pharmacogenomic Clinical Decision Support into German Hospitals.; Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;247:870-874. Doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-852-5-870
- Kadioglu D, Breil B, Knell C, Lablans M, Mate S, Schlue D, Serve H, Storf H, Ückert F, Wagner T, Weingardt P, Prokosch HU. "Samply.MDR – A Metadata Repository and Its Application in Various Research Networks" Stud Health Technol Inform 2018; 253:50-54. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-896-9-50.
To the publication - Knaup P, Deserno T, Prokosch HU, Sax U (2018). "Implementation of a National Framework to Promote Health Data Sharing. The German Medical Informatics Initiative." Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart. 27, 1, p. 302–304, 2018
To the publication - Lenz S, Zöller D, Hess M, Binder H; Architectures for distributed privacy-preserving deep learning; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie. 63. Jahrestagung der GMDS, Osnabrück, 02.-06.09.2018. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2018. DocAbstr. 207, DOI: 10.3205/18gmds097
To the publication - Maier C, Lang L, Storf H, Vormstein P, Bieber R, Bernarding J, Herrmann T, Haverkamp C, Horki P, Laufer J, Berger F, Höning G, Fritsch HW, Schüttler J, Ganslandt T, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr M. "Towards Implementation of OMOP in a German University Hospital Consortium" Appl Clin Inform 2018; 9:54-61. DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1617452 .
To the publication - Parciak M, et al. (2018): " PROV@TOS, a Java Wrapper To Capture Provenance for Talend Open Studio Jobs." presented at the 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS), 2018
To the publication - Prasser F, Kohlbacher O, Mansmann U, Bauer B, Kuhn K (2018). "Data Integration for Future Medicine (DIFUTURE). An Architectural and Methodological Overview." Methods of Information in Medicine, 57(S 01), Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
To the publication - Prokosch HU, Acker T, Bernarding J, Binder H, Boeker M, Boerries M, Daumke P, Ganslandt T, Hesser J, Höning G, Neumaier M, Marquardt K, Renz H, Rothkötter HJ, Schade-Brittinger C Schmücker P, Schüttler J, Sedlmayr M, Serve H, Sohrabi K, Storf H (2018). "MIRACUM: Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine. A Large Data Sharing Network to Enhance Translational Research and Medical Care." Methods of Information in Medicine, 57(S 01), Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
To the publication - Richter-Pechanski P, Riezler S, Dieterich C (2018): " De-Identification of German Medical Admission Notes." Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 253: p. 165-169, 2018
To the publication - Schreiweis B, Bronsch T, Merzweiler A, Bergh B (2018): "Implementing Modular Research Consents Using IHE Advanced Patient Privacy Consents." Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, p. 840–844, 2018.
To the publication - Sedlmayr M, Prokosch HU. "Datenaustausch in der Forschung via OMOP/OHDSI" EHEALTHCOM 4/18, COMPLEX|Medizininformatik 34-37, Juni 2018.
To the publication - Semler SC, Wissing F, Heyder R (2018). "German Medical Informatics Initiative. A National Approach to Integrating Health Data from Patient Care and Medical Research." Methods of Information in Medicine. 57(S 01): e50–e56, 2018
To the publication - Treppner M, Lenz S, Binder H, Zöller D; Modeling Activity Tracker Data Using Deep Boltzmann Machines; Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Volume 253: German Medical Data Sciences: A Learning Healthcare System, DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-896-9-155
- Winter A, Stäubert S, Ammon D, Aiche S, Beyan O, Bischoff V, Daumke P, Decker S, Funkat G, Gewehr J, de Greiff A, Haferkamp S, Hahn U, Henkel A, Kirsten T, Klöss T, Lippert J, Löbe M, Lowitsch V, Maassen O, Maschmann J, Meister S, Mikolajczyk R, Nüchter M, Pletz M, Rahm E, Riedel M, Saleh K, Schuppert A, Smers S, Stollenwerk A, Uhlig S, Wendt T, Zenker S, Fleig W, Marx G, Scherag A, Löffler M (2018): "Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH). Data Integration based on Interoperability Standards." Methods of Information in Medicine, 57(S 01), Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart.
To the publication - Wulff A, Haarbrandt B, Marschollek M (2018): “Clinical Knowledge Governance Framework for Nationwide Data Infrastructure Projects." Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 248, p. 196-203, 2018
To the publication
- Christoph J, Knell C, Bosserhoff A, Naschberger E, Stürzl M, Rübner M, Seuss H, Ruh M, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr B. "Usability and Suitability of the Omics-Integrating Analysis Platform tranSMART for Translational Research and Education" ACI 2017; 8:1173-1183. DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2017-05-RA-0085.
To the publication - Christoph J, Knell C, Naschberger E, Stürzl M, Maier C, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr M. "Two Years of tranSMART in a University Hospital for Translational Research and Education" Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017 ;236:70-79. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-759-7-70.
To the publication - Hinderer M, Boeker M, Wagner SA, Lablans M, Newe S, Hülsemann JL, Neumaier M, Binder H, Renz H, Acker T, Prokosch HU, Sedlmayr M.; Integrating clinical decision support systems for pharmacogenomic testing into clinical routine - a scoping review of designs of user-system interactions in recent system development.; BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2017 Jun 6;17(1):81. doi: 10.1186/s12911-017-0480-y. PMID: 28587608.
- Hinderer M, Boerries M, Haller F, Wagner S, Sollfrank S, Acker T, Prokosch HU, Christoph J.; Supporting Molecular Tumor Boards in Molecular-guided Decision-making - the Current Status of Five German University Hospitals.; Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017;236:48-54. doi: 10.3233/978-1-61499-759-7-48. PMID: 28508778.
- Knell C, Sedlmayr M, Christoph J. "Developing Interactive Plug-ins for tranSMART Using the SmartR Framework: The Case of Survival Analysis" Stud Health Technol Inform. 2017; 236:375-382. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-759-7-375.
To the publication - Prabhune, A, Stotzka, Gertz, M., Hesser, J. "Managing Provenance for Medical Datasets An Example Case for Documenting the Workflow for Image Processing" HEALTHINF 2017:236-243. DOI: 10.5220/0006109402360243.
To the publication