The coordination office, jointly managed by TMF (Technology, Methods and Infrastructure for Networked Medical Research), MFT (German Association of Medical Faculties), and VUD (German Association of Academic Medical Centers), promotes cross-consortia collaboration.

The office is in Berlin, making use of the facilities of TMF. The support structure team’s work and meetings are held in TMF’s rooms. This facilitates close cooperation and coordination with the working groups, projects and strategic activities of TMF as the umbrella organisation for medical IT infrastructure and research data management.

The medical informatics initiative is jointly managed by the Executive Director of TMF, and the managing directors of MFT and VUD. MFT and VUD use their own resources to finance and enable their activities within the initiative (and receive no dedicated funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF). The directors jointly oversee the national steering committee (NSC), and discuss the strategic development of the initiative amongst themselves and with the ministry. Together, they have a single vote on the NSC.


  • Supporting the work of the national steering committee and chairing NSC meetings
  • Making available their expertise in infrastructure implementation and medicine; development of concepts and papers
  • Organisation of and participation in all medical informatics initiative meetings, including drawing up an agenda, recoding minutes, and follow-up activities
  • Overarching project management (milestones, monitoring of processes, etc.)
  • Communication and coordination with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the DLR Project Management Agency.


Medical Informatics Initiative Germany
c/o TMF e.V.
Charlottenstr. 42, D-10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 2200247-0
Fax: +49 30 2200247-99




Logo MFT

Medizinischer Fakultätentag (MFT) is an association of German university medical faculties. It encompasses over 70 study programmes with approximately 93,000 students of health sciences, human medicine and dentistry.


Logo VUD

Verband der Universitätsklinika Deutschlands e.V. (VUD) represents 33 university hospitals in Germany. It seeks dialogue with political leaders and the general public with regard to medicine at universities. VUD member hospitals play a key role in Germany’s health system, offering excellent standards of care and cutting-edge research, and spearheading the introduction of new treatments.


Logo TMF

TMF is the umbrella organisation and exchange platform for cross-project, multi-site collaboration in medical research in Germany. Against this background, one of its focus areas is infrastructure. It offers a range of solutions and services with the aim of resolving organisational, legal/ethical and technological problems encountered in medical research.