Electronic health data in a European network

July 2019. The IMI2 EHDEN project aims to standardise more than 100 million patient records across Europe from different geographic areas and different data sources over the coming five years. Mapping of healthcare data to the OMOP-CDM will facilitate the re-use for a variety of purposes, enhancing and accelerating research and healthcare decision-making for global benefit.

The EHDEN Consortium would like to invite all Data Custodians to participate in this endeavour by becoming a Data Partner in the EHDEN community. Data Custodians can benefit from seed funding that will be made available via a €17 million “Harmonisation Fund” that subsidises conversions to the OMOP-CDM performed by EHDEN-certified SMEs.

To this end, EHDEN is organising its first open Data Partner Call from 15 July – 15 September 15, 2019:

  • From 15 July – 15 August, the call description is available for public review. This enables the EHDEN project to optimise the procedures and to clarify the pilot call text if deemed necessary.
  • From 1 – 15 September, the Grant application portal will open and we will accept Data Partner applications.

All details can be found at www.ehden.eu.

For any question, contact the EDHEN consortium via applicants@ehden.eu.